St. Mary of the Assumption church on Front Street in Rocklin was the first gathering place for Catholics in the Rocklin-Loomis-Penryn area. The Most Reverend Joseph Sadoc Alemany, Archbishop of San Francisco dedicated the church on August 13, 1883. Over the years it was designated as a mission church of Folsom, Lincoln, Auburn, and finally St. Rose of Lima, Roseville.
On May 1, 1981, Father Michael J. Dillon became the pastor of the newly formed parish. The parish was named SS. Peter & Paul with the consensus of the 295 founding families.
On April 17, 1983, the Most Reverend Francis A. Quinn officiated at the groundbreaking of the new church site and returned for its dedication on March 4, 1984. A cornerstone from the Old St. Mary’s church was laid in the front of the new SS. Peter & Paul church to express the continuity of the former and new parishes. In May of 1991, Bishop Quinn returned for the groundbreaking ceremony of a religious education center, and an improved parking lot.
In 2001, expansion continued with the building of a multipurpose room and a new administration center to accommodate the growing parish.
After 28 years of service, Father Dillon retired on July 1, 2009 and was named pastor emeritus. A bell tower was constructed at the entrance of the church and was used for the first time at a special mass that Father Dillon celebrated, ending his tenure as the first and founding pastor of SS. Peter & Paul Parish.
Bishop Jaime Soto appointed Fr. Stanley Poltorak as our new pastor to guide the community. During his tenure, there was the addition of a prayer chapel, outdoor and indoor stations of the cross and the statue of the Blessed Mother on the east side of the church. Bishop Soto appointed Father Bony Arackal to serve as Parochial Administrator of SS. Peter & Paul effective July 15, 2016. In 2024, we welcomed Fr. Renier Siva as Pastor of the parish.
Currently, the parish is nearly five times its original size, with approximately 2,600 registered families. There are a dozen full and part-time staff members to fill the positions of clergy, secretary, bookkeeper, music, liturgy, coordinators of faith formation and maintenance. With over 500 students in faith formation there is a constant flurry of activities. Additionally, SS. Peter & Paul has over 70 active ministries serving the needs of the parish community and reaching out to those in need in the nearby area. Each year, SS. Peter & Paul initiates over 200 new members through Baptism, over 70 children celebrate First Eucharist and over 100 are Confirmed. Additionally, numerous marriages and memorial masses are celebrated each year.
The atmosphere at SS. Peter & Paul is full of the Holy Spirit and love for the Lord. We go in peace to love and serve the Lord! Updated July 1, 2024 Mission Statement:
The people of SS. Peter & Paul Parish are called to create and sustain a community of faith in Jesus Christ. We celebrate the life of faith through the Eucharist. As we break bread together, we are inspired to care for others and are challenged to grow in faith through prayer, study, and social interaction.
Vision Statement:
All parishioners recognize the challenge of the Gospel and the Eucharist as evidenced by participating in various ministries, inviting and welcoming others, caring for and serving those in need, and promoting peace and justice.