"'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'" (Matthew 25:40)
New Beginnings is St. Vincent de Paul’s transitional housing program that began in 2001 with six apartment units on B Street in Roseville. With the help of grants and donations, the program has grown each year.
Only families with children (or those expecting a child) may be selected to participate in the New Beginning’s program. A thorough intake interview is conducted to determine eligibility and sort out issues that are preventing family members from being together and having a permanent residence.
The program director designs an individualized program for each individual. This generally includes personal and financial counseling, parenting education, personal support, as well as use of community resources for employment, legal, addiction or other issues that may be keeping the family from becoming self-sufficient and productive.
It generally takes from six months to a year to complete the New Beginnings program. Scores of families have graduated from the program and are now living clean, sober and self-supporting lives.