We gather in community as Church because it is not good to be alone. We gather because we need to take our places humbly within the family of humankind, to dispel our proud fantasies about ourselves, and to carry one another's burders. We gather to dream our deepest common dreams, and to prepare for the time when we will all be welcomed into the merciful heart of God. We discover that despite our differences, a place has been lovingly prepared.
Longing for the Holy, A Spirituality for Everyday Life
We always welcome new community members at SS. Peter & Paul. Our liturgies are enriched by your presence AND your participation. If you are interested in serving as a lector, extraordinary minister of communion, an usher, or an altar server, be sure to contact us and we will see that you receive the appropriate training.
If you or someone you know is interested in attending a Mass in Sacramento that serves the deaf and hard-of-hearing, the Newman Center in Sacramento offers a ministry to the deaf.