The most recent Annual Financial Report can be found in the Documents section of this webpage (on the left hand side of this page.)
The Finance Council is a small group of parishioners, functioning as a consultative body to our pastor. Per Canon Law, each parish within the Diocese is required to establish and maintain a Finance Council to assist the pastor in the following areas to:
Prepare the annual operating budget for the parish
Monitor ongoing income and expenses
Advise the pastor on long-term financial planning and related issues
Address any areas for improvement, as identified by parish audits
Assist in the preparation of the annual parish financial report, submitted to the Bishop each year
Help implement new financial policies and processes within the parish
Due to the generosity of SS. Peter & Paul parishioners, we are blessed to have established a strong financial foundation for the future.
If you are interested in seeing last year's income statement and/or the current year's operating budget, please contact the parish office and a copy will be provided for you.
Current members are listed in the "Contact Us" section to the left of this page.
If you would like to learn more about the Finance Council, Contact Us or submit the following.