VISION OF THE ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL: In response to the needs of our diocesan community, Bishop Soto asks that all parishioners participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal.
WHO BENEFITS FROM THE APPEAL? The poor and the vulnerable are assisted by more than 100 programs that serve the mentally ill, the homeliess, immigrants, the elderly, working families, teens at risk, pregnant women, infants, single parent families, and the hungry with: emergency food, shelter and clothing, permanent and transitional housing, counseling, job training, pregnancy counseling, post and pre-natal care, independent living skills, mentoring, citizenship and immigration services, parenting skills, information and referral, after-school care and other life sustaining services.
Seminarians currently in formation to serve as priests in our diocese are assisted through the Seminarian Education Fund, which offsets the rising cost of education.
Families who desire a Catholic education for their children but cannot afford it may be granted need-based tuition assistance.
Local individuals and families in need are assisted by countless parish programs that provide life-sustaining social services and spiritual development.
Funding generated from the Appeal is allocated as follows: 50% for social service programs throughout the diocese
25% for social services programs at the parish level
25% for seminarian formation and Catholic education
HOW CAN YOUPARTICIPATE? As a family, prayerfully discern how much you can give to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Thank you!